Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.537 In reply to 7777.533 
Hello James,

I'm not familar with GH. So I don't know what it does in GH. The reMap in the nodeeditor interpolates only given values with a equdistant parameter [0,1,..,n] to a natural spline function. The output gives a number of values lying on that function. I don't think that the GH node has the same meaning!? Remap2 makes the same, but on the RMB you can switch to points as an input. Here the node makes the same however for the 3 coordinates.

The Logic nodes written by me are obsolete, because Max has decided that numarray instead of boolean should be used. Unfortunately all nodes are in the same menu. Nevertheless I will update my nodes some day. A sort node is possible, but I didn't understand your intention already. We need an input for the values e.g. a numarray and a second input for numarray, pointarrays or an object list with a corresponding output for the sorted elements- or only an output with the ordered indices of the input and use later idxSelect?
<<<Also I have be watching online grasshopper tutorials in an effort to vary spacing of points on a curve dependant degree of curvature.
That is also possible - I have programmed already a curvature analysis, but it's a lot of work to recreate a new curve given by the result. I think it's more useful to have a look to the script rebuild and wrap it to a node.

Have a nice weekend

EDITED: 16 Sep 2017 by KMRQUS