Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Mike (MGG942)
7777.501 In reply to 7777.497 
Brian, as an exercise I've made a nod based on the 4 variants that you posted for Hyperbolic Paraboloids.
The nod uses the same variable as you posted using discrete inputs to Points/MathPts as James advised and displays all four variants together.
The slider is limited to one decimal place so to get a value of A of 1.618 (as you had) it is necessary the disconnect the slider and to enter 1.618 directly into the A input field in Points/MathPts - which does work as expected (B and C don't).
I did think of making the spacing of the outputs on the screen automatic but concluded that it would make a very confusing nod so I opted to make the spacing manually adjustable via a knob.
The output is 4 solids through the use of Construct/Extrude with a distance of 0.01mm.
Please check that the outputs look right to you.
Thanks, Mike.