Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.434 In reply to 7777.433 
Hello Al,

it isn't so complicated than it looks;-)
If you have a pointarray with e.g. 40 points as an input for e.g. a curve the curve will be drawn from point to point, if the xLength is 40. But if the xLength is 10 and the zLength is 4 you will get 4 independent curves with 10 points in each curve.
It is an internal mechanism or meta information to organize point sequences. Some of the nodes can evaluate this an can process the right result. E.g. the bundle node generates this meta information automatically - for the concate nodes it is difficult to generate this data, because the inputs can have different length and the node will be used for different jobs.
If you want to have a look to this data you can use also the arraylogger ->scroll down, at the end there are the infos.

Have a look into the waveproto1.nod file

The point values in the info panel shows the changes - here you get 6 curves with each curve has 7 control points, without that, you will get one curve with 6*7=42 control points:-(

That was the problem here.

Have a nice day