Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.431 In reply to 7777.429 
Hello Al,

<<let me know what you got with Point Split node>>

The SplitPts / PointsExt pairing breaks what would be
one contiguous point array into a series of discreet arrays,
so as a consequence you get separate polylines instead of
one with linking diagonals. Try bypassing these 2 nodes to
see their effect.

<<I've seen formulas on the outbound links from the node.....>>

the inputs to PointExt (xLength, zLength) determine the points
at which to break original point arrays into series of new point arrays.

I hope this helps.
Let me know if greater clarification is necessary.


P.S. New Version using logic nodes for odd number generation attached to earlier post

EDITED: 14 Jun 2017 by JFH