Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
Hi fellow Noders,

I am attempting to construct a parametric weave.
Attached are 2 failed attempts:
WeaveProto1 starts with a 3 dimensional point array with variable U & V + 2 in the W dimension, while
WeaveProto2 offsets 2 dimensional array in Z direction and bundles both arrays into a 3 dimensional array.

In both cases it was possible to selectively index weave in the WARP direction. However I was less successful with the WEFT weave (better with WeaveProto2, first row but not repeated)

Also even if the WEFT weave could be successfully indexed, there remains the issue of snipping the threads so that each row in both directions, is distinct.

Any thoughts?

EDITED: 14 May 2019 by JFH
