Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.354 In reply to 7777.353 
Hi Barry.
under the subdirectory "nodes," Quartz is inside the basic.js file. It is commented out.
Just remove all but the first //.
I do not know why Max has not activated it.
Output is a "numarray."
Maybe there is supposed to be some input to it that was not completed. (this.addInput("Hz","numarray");)
Maybe Quartz node can feed a second Quartz node? Have to try it...

Quartz may be from the original source of nodes (?)

Default Quartz runs from zero to 359, which yields 360 degrees, which may be a full circle rotation...

Quartz has 2 modes.
Cycled mode runs from e.g 0 degrees to 359 degrees, then starts over at 0.
Tictac mode gets to the end of the count, then runs backwards to the begin count,

- Brian
I think of it as an electronic quartz crystal oscillator, or a clock, etc.

EDITED: 22 May 2017 by BEMFARMER