Nodebundle for playing with nodes

Exactly! That's exactly right: Flow to Surface!

To add sliders - or input values into a box would be ideal - what that would do is take Moi3d to a whole new level of parametric - terrazzo modeling which is piss-poor in Rhino!

There are other tools e.g., Armadillo & parametric tools, however they aren't nearly as intuitive as Moi's NODE functionality.

I'm looking into the adding a webinar functionality to this 'Behive Forum' which is without live video broadcast capabilities - sadly.

If possible I may setup a live cam forum for brainstorming & sharing scripts, shortcut keys & nodes, as well as cool tips & tricks within - is this something that the inmates of this auxiliary lunatic asylum would be interested in - participating?

Perhaps, with those added tools increasing the functionality of the foundation Michael has built, together we could add-on creative branches which would take Moi3d in a direction which would carve out a soft 'pattern parametric array glow in surface terrazzo' object - that compliments hard edged CAD.

I may be off topic - if so - I'll begin a new post on this subject: webinars
Bill Gore