Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Christian (BIRDANDCO)
Hello Moi3D community, this is my first post here! I hope it is appropriate for me to tag on to this topic.

I have been a regular reader on the discussion forum, and am very grateful to everyone for being so generous with sharing knowledge and tools. I am a Graphic Designer by trade and love Moi3D to experiment in 3D as it seems so similar to other tools I use. My interests lie in Phyllotaxis, ever since studying Karl Blossfeldt's photography.

My question,

Would it be possible to translate the attached, into a customisable NodeBundle for outputting points? I have tried my best to translate something myself, but alas my inexperience is limiting.

I found the example from the excellent post by Christopher Carlson on the Wolfram Blog,

Thank you so much for the great tool Max, and thank you for the amazing builds and mods since developed.
Thank you in advance for any help or pointers, Christian

If you are interested in some of my Moi3D experiments, here is my Instagram

EDITED: 11 Feb 2017 by BIRDANDCO