Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.275 In reply to 7777.272 
Hello Brian,

>>> So a lot of these additional nodes do not run on the "stock beta" version.

I always try to keep all additional nodes compatible to the actual version of Maxs core development. The core is still untouched - also in the "modified" version. It may be, that there are some bugs - if I know that, I will try to correct them. I've made a lot of nodes that are not my point of interest, but I always try to collect different aspects of the nodeeditor. My intention is to collect a pool of nodes for further developments. A lot of them was going obsolete, but I think that it was not obsolete to create them. I've asked in the past for a better naming - maybe the menue structure is bad, but all these aspects helps to develop the project;-) Every experiment from James, Al, Marco and some others shows what is still missing and I hope that Max can get some useful informations from that.

So if we want a perfect tool - we have to wait ...

Have a nice day

p.s.: Do you think it's better not to publish new nodes? I went back to this thread, because a lot of people was worried about that stuff in the main thread- Please let me have this little island