Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.272 In reply to 7777.271 
Hi Ced,

Welcome to the forum!

I appreciate getting all sorts of ideas for improvements, projects, and features, from yourself, and other forum members.

In response to some of your observations, with the caveat that I am merely
another very enthusiastic user of MoI, with no standing whatsoever, and
am expressing personal opinions. Occasionally I utilize double quotes, "",
to express concepts which may have slight inaccuracies, or not be quite the
proper phraseology.

The "core" MoI version 3 program has a "standard" installation.
MoI is a commercial program with, as far as I know, one developer, namely
Michael Gibson. Solids++ is utilized. In addition Michael has, very professionally, written numerous additional scripts, some "special purpose"
and others very useful. I used up my hotkeys a few years ago. I recollect reading in the forum some years ago that another method of dealing with these additional scripts was desirable, but had a lesser priority.

This gap was filled by Max Smirnov, a very competent programmer, "pro bono."
Max is the author of the Custom Interface, which I have found to be very handy, despite my having "too many" scripts in it, which necessitates scrolling its window.
It might be nice to have some sub-categories, such as spirals and utilities, etc.
I now, for the most part, reserve hotkeys for "one-liner" scripts.
I would hypothesize that at some time, Michael may devise
his own analogous program. Max also created the very cool NodeEditor program, based upon node code from a third party, but it is still in "beta,"
and it is still evolving. In addition, Max has written numerous other high quality scripts.

Others have written "add-on" scripts as well. The ones that I have cobbled
together, often with help, have various amounts of imperfection.

I do not think that it is reasonable to expect that 3rd party "add-on's" be
bundled with a commercial package, due to several reasons. These include
the possibility that the add-ons have defective code, are in beta, or utilize public
domain programs with non-commercial use clauses, or some other legalities.

Regarding Max's NodeEditor, aka project Elephant: Out of respect for Max,
I perceive that other node writers have avoided directly altering Max's
current version NodeEditor.v.0.85, although they have done a mod version, which will have to be altered to match new future versions by Max.
So a lot of these additional nodes do not run on the "stock beta" version.
I find the situation with these additional nodes to be a bit confusing.
So expecting NodeEditor to be bundled, seems to me to be an unreasonable expectation, at this time.

I've been taking a break from the NodeEditor for a while, and have not incorporated Max's latest update.
In the recent past, I've attempted to lighten up it's display, mainly
to avoid using as much toner in a laser printer :-)
Karsten's cursor is nice. Now, back to the plastic number.
I've no interest in a "flame war," or whatever it is called, and
personally think that the commas and periods should follow the quotes...

- Brian