Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hello Karsten
If possible all the functions of Vectors :
1- Create Vector ,from Coord (xyz) ,connected to the actual node point
2-Decompose Vectot retur value of (xyz)
3-Unit Vector for x , y , z for simple placement
4-Amplitude of Vector
5-Vector between two point
6-Angle between two Vector
7-Rotate Vector on plane or on axis
8-Dot procuct
9-Cross Product
10-Line , start point , direction, Vector , and Amplitude , length
11-Measure Vector length
12-Unitize Vector
13-Reverse Vector value
14 - link with extrusion , profile along a Vector
No ask that all implements,
But the important thing it is start ...
Line, and Extrude example would be useful-

(I hope the list does not discourage you)..........

The facilitation is the ability to create oriented lines,( crease)
and subsequently to lean them to create the Movements ,
rotating or translating through simple input values
Have a nice day