Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.230 In reply to 7777.229 
Hello James,

I have collected some things I want to do next:
- Documentation for the core, already started -Even the longest way starts with a first step... (One of these old cool chinese guys)
- Sweep with 1 and 2 rails and multiple profiles - I started with, but it's a little bit difficult to solve it, without meta informations - ( I want to use the ratio of profiles and rails)
- intersect node quiet easy, but if you want e.g. ordered points or curves as the result, you have to do it step by step - to check it, I have to pimp
- idxSelect for objectlists
- separate, finished, but untested - no time
- multiIso , also for the whole numarray
- Polyloft - updating to a more general useability
- camera node - my favorite, qiuck animations (preview)- maybe later someone can port Max genue Cycles script;-)
- import/export 3DM files - I don't know if that works, but interesting - batch inside and instancing
- Buying a birthday present for my wife - the most difficult task!!!

Have a nice day