Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.217 In reply to 7777.216 
Hi James, Karsteen and everyone.

> "...I think Marco would like it free of discourse, and only as a directory to various versions of node editor..."

Thanks a lot James for this clarification!
You're totally right!

"Project Elephant's UNOFFICIAL Repository" thread should be only a directory to all versions of Project Elephant,

If we use it in this way, it could be really helpful for everyone and could be a very fast way to get all versions of P.E. (Project Elephant)

So Karsteen,
regarding your latest post in "Project Elephant's UNOFFICIAL Repository" thread (,
in which you talk about an update to your "Nodeeditor v0.85 mod 9" version, could you please instead post a new "Reply to All"
composed by a copy of my first post followed by your new P.E. version ?

So, the new reply in "Project Elephant's UNOFFICIAL Repository" thread should be like this :

"Project Elephant versions:

<A copy of all the text of the latest post in the thread. That is :

1) Project Elephant version "v.0.85" - ********* MAX'S OFFICIAL VERSION *********


2) Project Elephant version "v.0.85_mod"


8) Project Elephant version X


With the addition of the text for the new version :

9) Project Elephant version "V.0.85-mod10"
downloadable at < Url>

Support Files :
<Url to any documentation file (doc, xls, txt, etc...)
<Url to any .nod file to test the new functionality>

I hope I made myself clear enough :)


- Marco (mkdm)