Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.213 In reply to 7777.212 
Hi Al

>>Just a question , he also works with points<<

No, it is simply a node equivalent of manual Planar tool,
with the same limitations: it only converts planar closed
curves to a planar surface bound by that curve.

But despite its limitations, it is quite useful.
Compare the 2 node files I did for wastzzz:
hexMESH.nod and hexMESH2.nod

mFlowObj only works on single input objects,
so separate flows were needed for outside and inside curves,
so there is lots of unnecessary wiring.

Also with flowed planar surfaces, the normals remain associated
with each individual surf obj, hence each obj extrudes individually.
(assuming not flowed over compound curvature: MOI cannot handle)
This is not the case for surfaces constructed after constituent curves.

That said it would be better if the node did more.
We want node editor to have a small number of very powerful nodes,
like MOI itself, rather than bloatware solution
with hundreds of single purpose nodes.

Have a great weekend & happy noding.

EDITED: 23 Feb 2019 by JFH