Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.202 In reply to 7777.200 
Hi Karsten and thank you very much for your post and your new "unofficial" version of Project Elephant!

I have seen that the archive contains also all my nodes and all the other nodes written so far.

That's a very good thing because it's exactly what I meant when I suggested to start to be more clear and plain
when we present new nodes to the community.

This is a good starting point for next unofficial versions of Project Elephant.

I think that this way will greatly help anyone to play with the Node Editor :
an updated zip file containing the new version and a .xls file for a basic documentation.

In the last few days, thanks to some sporadic spare time, I'm testing and coding a new node dedicated to PointArray elaboration,
and I think that soon I should be able to publish a new "unofficial" version of Project Elephant containing this new node.


- Marco (mkdm)