Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
Hi Karsteen, Burrman, AL, James and all the other smart guys of Project Elephant,

I post here my reply to this post of "wastzzz" where he said ( :
"....I don't understand anything, where is the last version, what is nodebundles, there is no appropriate thread or instruction.
This forum organization is a pain. My head hurts. No offense"

Well, I totally agree with "wastzzz".
Although I have already played a lot with Project Elephant, now I'm really doing confusion...

Karsteen, Burrman, AL, James and all the other smart guys of Project Elephant, could you please, if you want,
follow the suggestion that I gave you some days ago ?

That is :

I think that would be a good thing if we put at the end of all our posts with nod files this annotation :

"These nod files requires <node editor version> downloadable at <url>"

For example : "These nod files requires "" downloadable at"

This little extra annotation to our posts will greatly help us to understand and test all of your excellent experiments.



- Marco (mkdm)