Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.190 In reply to 7777.189 
Hello Al, Hello James,

I've tested Al's CP-mPathArray - very cool, but my 5 year lenovo G575, that I use for programming, is a little bit slow for such things. Anyway - I've tried to include the RMB option into the mLoft, but I have some problems with the locking mechanism of the input slots - I have to take a deeper look in JS and Max code. So there is a little bug in the new node, that I have attached (in "normal" mode it is possible to remove the target slot ..). So it's a draft, that I have to improve. When I understand the code, I will fix it and post a new one. And we have to think about the compatibility of your posted examples, it is possible that some of them have to be reworked in the future.
It would be a pity, if they wouldn't run in newer versions.

Have a nice day

EDITED: 6 Mar 2019 by KMRQUS
