Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.187 In reply to 7777.184 
Hello Al, Hello James,

>>>with a Node similar to (Bundle Pts ) but that groups
curves instead Point-
my intention is not to do a seperate Node for that, rather put the curve sequences directly to the loft node (variable number of inputs). The only question is: A new node or RMB option to the actual one. I don't know - I have to look at it. That would solve the problem in a first step. A seperate node that extracts all faces is also useful. There is also a arraygem factory in the API which can do something for us, but I don't know at the moment, how to use it. For the improvement of the sweep node I have to think about it first - It depends on the possible workflows which input variants are useful and what the other nodes have to do for that. It's like the loft node or the pathArray- in a first step everything seems to be good, until you realize the limitations for a special workflow. The offset node is unfinished also. MultiIso node has also a bug, the names of some nodes are not to be understood intuitively ...

Have a nice day