Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1847 In reply to 7777.1846 
If an input has less elements that the other inputs, it contributes no element for the remaining grabs.
(slice(s) or cross section(s) of arrays?) (Some explanation by Max in multiprocess mode combinations? Long or Long+?)

You have alluded to a flaw in bundle node: effectively it is "Short" list matching only. If you look at the image below,
the final list should, if it did "long" matching, include "4" at the end. This is also the case with ptArrays & collections of objects.

So if the input array elements are arranged in Rows, the output would be the Column elements, sequentially. Or vice-versa.
For example, isoline u elements could be converted to isoline v elements. Weft could be converted to Warp.

I'm not clear how bundle node could perform the operation of swapping warp & weft of ptArray, but the means of achieving this would certainly be useful.


See Pilou's post for brief explanation of array matching modes

EDITED: 13 Mar 2022 by JFH
