Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.175 In reply to 7777.174 
Hi Karsten,

>>the additional informations in pointarrays be absend here..................Complicated<<

I feared that this may be the case. However your mFlowObj node appeared to me to sort multiple items in an object list for unique processing, and so if this info could be called upon again, further processes may be performed individually on each object. But I can see node would need some input instructions.

I have attached a couple of .nod files:

The application of extrude after mFlowObj to faceted surface
produces extrudes in a single direction. This is to be expected and may well be desirable. However it would be better if there was a means by which each extrude was normal to it's own surface. Perhaps a "Offset/Shell" node would be an alternative means of achieving this result.


Initially, not having achieved the desirable result with extrude, I returned to original panelShell node, thinking perhaps if there an outer array of facets with their attached curves and an inner array, that a loft may be able to be performed between the outer and inner curves.
(i have 3 layers of obj array of curves here: rectangles and circles on outer surf and smaller circles on inner surf)

Naturally though, moi wants to loft all curves in a single loft. There would need to be a "BundleObjs" node analogous to "BundlePts", but as you say>>not so elegant to handle like pointarrays<<.

.>>I'm not Max.<<
I know, but what you have built upon Max's foundations has been amazing!


PS I know you are "not a pattern guy", but nevertheless you have furnished us with an outstanding tool for pattern creation: mFlowObj node
for which I am eternally grateful.

EDITED: 9 Aug 2020 by JFH