Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1743 In reply to 7777.1739 

"not sure how the NE reacts to multiple timers?"
There is no issue with multiple timers

"Is it neccesary?"
In most cases the same timer could be utilised for multiple loops.
There would need to be a triggering of second loop after first has met end condition.

Perhaps logic/compare a=0 (end condition for earlier loop) initiates new loopStart (trigger).

"global variables"
There does need to be a means of having unique variables for each loop.
Ideally, NE would recognise multiple loopStart/loopEnd pairs and attribute unique designators. Alternatively users could manually name each node pair, which would serve as the variable name. This approach though could be fraught with difficulties in terms of UX.

Would it be possible to have direct wire link between pairs, so loopStart get a randomly generated numerical designator on placement on the canvas, & then it is sent to LoopEnd via green wire?

Another alternative would be to introduce a txt string data type wire. It could also be used to externalise text inputting into “text” node. It may well have over uses.

Please let me know

EDITED: 9 Aug 2020 by JFH