Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1716 In reply to 7777.1712 
Hello, Frederick,

maybe I should explain a few things about this. The node editor has not been developed by a large team with a master plan and interface designers, but by a single person - Max Smirnov based on code from litegraph.js. So it is understandable that he can't program all functions by himself. Especially since you don't know and can't capture all aspects and wishes of the individual users. So I and some others ( James, Al, Marco, R3D3, Wayne, Pilou ... )started to support and extend the work of Max through nodes, tests, documentation and discussions. But I am not a programmer and my code is sometimes bad. Furthermore there was a discussion my code not
to mix with Max's. My goal was not to extend the functionality, but to experiment what is possible. From the dialogue with James and Al ( I hope he is doing well - nothing read for a long time of him) I also started to implement functions that were not of direct interest to me. I think the separation from Max development is right, because there were many changes in NE and the extensions in the initial phase
which gave and which caused a lot of confusion in the forum. Compatibility, versions, bugs ...
But it is very easy to redesign the menus and build your own NE as you wish.

Have a nice day