Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1710 In reply to 7777.1709 

Thank you for the info.
I have a few suggestion that may be worthy of your consideration.

1) I think it would be operationally consistent with the menu logic for "Output" to be included in the first tier, just as "Input" "Output" & "Close" are in menu within a macro. See image below

This is a small thing; but I do think "output" is distinct from other nodes & deserving of first tier status.

2) I don't believe "Point" node is fittingly part of the "Basic" grouping, as it is a geometry node. It belongs IMHO within "Points" menu. To removed the inevitable confusion, I think, "points" would more appropriately be renamed as "pointArray".

3) Wayne made a minor but significant change to your curve nodes: "Rectangle", "Circle", "Star" & "Polygon" with the addition of a surface output option. I have attached below.

Although generally connecting to "construct2/Planar" node satisfied the requirement of generating surface shapes, it fails in some instances (with complex patterns), & in these cases, incorporating surfacing within the node has been a real improvement.

Please have a think about these suggestions and let me know.

Thanks again for your support,

EDITED: 14 Jul 2020 by JFH