Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1700 In reply to 7777.1699 

It is not really a glitch, it is just an artefact of the multiple steps in processing.

The "new sphere who is drawn inside" is not spherical, but a Catmull–Clark smoothed subdivided icosohedron which persists on the canvas only while the vertices are spherized.

"that calculate for a moment...etc ...and that blocks all things"

To limit the computation time I have restricted the number of subdivisions to 4 despite the numerical "subDivs" input.

Being locked out while calculating occurs generally for tasks that draw heavily on computational resources, and although it can be frustrating it is something that we must live with.

"i believe it's more prudent to put Curseurs because Knobs are very sensible to the direction of rotation"

I've only used a knob, to illustrate that macro will accept a range of numerical inputs (0-4). My purpose of posting the file was solely to distribute the macro within.


EDITED: 19 May 2020 by JFH