Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1675 In reply to 7777.1674 
Hi Michael,

Attached is 7zip of my nodeeditor file in appdata, for MoI4beta (Jan22, 2020).

I did just reinstall nodeeditor from Jame's link to MoI3, under program files x86, with no change in MoI3 results.

- Brian

It seems to be a weird problem. No Idea what I am doing wrong...
No one else having the problem...

I was trying out the nodeeditor vector nodes, as prelude to a canal surface node or script.
Simple case of a modWedge tangent to plane x=0, for modifying Reuleaux tetrahedron for uniform symmetric tetrahedron.

If it is just something defective in my files, maybe not worth too much investigation time?
The problem is not limiting my script play. It just is nice to know what causes such a problem :-)
Maybe the problem will correct itself with new version updates?
I'm using MS OneDrive a lot. It is very convenient. Hope it does not crash some day and make my data vanish.

EDITED: 25 Mar 2021 by BEMFARMER