Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1670 In reply to 7777.1669 
Thank you Michael.

Rotate, Move or Copy create new copies of the 3 vectors in another area, which are delete-able,
but the original 3 vectors remain, and still cannot be deleted.
It seems like a flag for "keep original objects" is set.

I'll do some more experimenting.

- Brian

Hitting Stop, then Apply, doubles the number of Vectors. The extra set CAN be deleted, but not the original set.
Running the .nod file, then hitting Apply, without hitting stop, then closing nodeeditor, just makes one set of vectors, still not delete-able.

I want to get nodeeditor working (again) in MoI3 and try the vectors there.

VecBy2Pts does the same thing, so probably vector.js is doing or not doing something it should...(?)

Using your Set Hit Test true shortcut key script does not seem to do anything.