Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1620 In reply to 7777.1619 
Hi James, also the new v4 beta has the arrowheads that rotate towards the viewer that you were asking about a while ago for showing directions.

They can be created like this:

	var startpt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint(5,5,5);
	var endpt = moi.vectorMath.createPoint(10,10,10);
	var f = moi.command.createFactory( 'arrow3d' );
	f.setInput( 0, startpt );
	f.setInput( 1, endpt );
	var arrow = f.calculate().item(0);
	moi.geometryDatabase.addObject( arrow );

That creates a Leader with its plane perpendicular to the arrow direction and sets the .rotateArrowheadPlaneTowardsViewer property on it.

- Michael