Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1606 In reply to 7777.1604 

Although as I said before, that the colour of the output dot indicates the data type, there are a few nodes with more than 1 output of a particular datatype. These cases may require labelling to distinguish between them, but often, as in the case of your "Centroid" node, an extra object output is the same as the object input. This output is useful because it means that a "Clone" node can be avoided. However if nodes could have multiple Obj outputs (similar to Num & Pt datatypes), these extra outputs would then be superfluous. The node may then be like this:

I'm not suggesting you alter your "Centroid" node, I'm only reinforcing the point that node title itself often has all the descriptive content needed to explain the nature of outputs.


PS Switch node is a beautifully elegant node that demonstrates that the absence of I/O labelling is not necessarily an impediment to comprehension and usage.....quite the opposite!

EDITED: 29 Aug 2019 by JFH


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