Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1605 In reply to 7777.1604 

I don't see much advantage in making the output label editable, after-all the colours indicate the type of data outputted and the nodes themselves have editable titles which could serve any explanatory role. In instances where the outputs require specific labelling, these should most definitely be retained (& IMHO should remain un-editable)

However, I think the idea would have great merit for inputs.

Often I find myself translating equations so that they have alphabetised variables. It can be a quite counterintuitive process of letter substitution. It would be ideal if the "maths" and "mathsPts" nodes allowed editing of the inputs, like shown:

Also adding new inputs ATM is a 2 step process: first RMB clicking "Inputs" then selecting submenu button denoting next letter. This second step could be removed.

Getting back to "Out" labels. Perhaps we could do an experiment. I could post an alternative nodeEditor folder with all unnecessary labels removed, and those that want to trial it could then report back whether or not they thought the removal of labels had an impact on their user experience.


EDITED: 29 Aug 2019 by JFH