Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

whith node random_obj i have this

For simulate different gaps: display random number of objects on their positions from a collection
Node random Obj is existing
not yet exactly that i wish :) the gaps 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 result must be on each object

but it's more like that i wish :)
A random gab between each object selected!

Classic Random
Move is existing
Display is existing

Not sure about the "one by one"...and the "loop / return"

Does this is possible ? A sort of random gab distribution between each object selected!

For make some variation of this follow where gabs are regular except on the front corner! ;)

From a Camacho image above

EDITED: 22 Jul 2019 by PILOU