Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1541 In reply to 7777.1540 
Thank you so much Marco,

>> very interesting to see some of your creations turned into reality with a 3D-printer <<

I have a cheap 3d printer which I have used to print some of these designs, with varying degree of success. I do in the future plan though to send something to Shapeways or similar for quality print.

>> You could build stylish furnishing objects and decorative items for house! <<

I thought I once posted a woven pendant lamp example, but can't find the thread posting. Anyway I have attached another here

There are other examples of my work at

As it happens, I do plan to do something along these lines with this triaxial weave & the randomised bulbous forms.

Thanks again for your support

EDITED: 14 Jun 2019 by JFH
