Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.153 In reply to 7777.152 
Hallo Al,

the pointarrays that Max has designed are not so simple as it looks - welcome to the internals. Max choosed so called Euler angles (roll, nick, gear ) and a scale component to describe and transport also frames and scale factors. The node isn't made for the typical work - its more a possibility to make some vector math operations (mathematical surgery). So it is possible to read knots/nodes from fea files (CSV-Files node) and also read a e.g. displacement field of knots. With the split node you can add the components of the displacement to the components of the base knots and display the deformed knots - or maybe something else. I've made it for some test with fea stuff (placing spheres ...).

Have a nice evening