Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.151 In reply to 7777.149 
Hi Karsten and everyone!

> "It's been a year since Max's first version!"

Thank you very much for the reminder!!

These are the main and fundamental steps of Project Elephant's history :

1) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 26 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"Today I wrote a test-script which can create and manipulate objects by using html5 graphics interface.
Everything works great. Html5 canvas, window and mouse events e.t.c.
So it is technically possible to write the grasshopper clone for MoI."

2) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"I've found great node-based editor! Litegraph.js
It's fast, small and free."

3) Thread "grasshopper for moi" 28 Oct 2015 (
Max has written :
"First real test. It works pretty good."

4) Thread "Parametric design in MoI?" 19 Nov 2015 (
Max's YouTube video : MoI nodeeditor preview

Thanks to Michael, Moi3D is a wonderful software but i think that there's a Moi BEFORE Max's contribution and a Moi AFTER Max's contribution.

I have nothing more to say.


- Marco (mkdm)