Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.1500 In reply to 7777.1499 
Thank a lot James for your kind words :)

@You "I only ask because I think it would be a real boon for NE. What do you think?"

Unfortunately, as you can see, recently and during the whole 2018 (and now) I almost abandoned all my practicing and working and studying of the 3D world (both modelling and rendering) because actually I really have no free extra time to devote to this things :)

Actually almost all 3D things are really boring for me and I returned to my very first love in CG: studying and practicing 2D freehand digital painting (Photoshop on PC and Procreate on my iPad Pro).

Bu, with that said, as you can see, I sometimes take a look at this forum to see what's going on, for example new announcements from Michael or your wonderful creations with the Node Editor :)

You're doing great things with that tool!


Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
My Procreate portfolio