Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1494 In reply to 7777.1488 
Hi klaudio, maybe it can be fixed for v3 - try editing nodeeditor\core\main.js and find the lines where the error is happening:

	var dir = (moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir)?moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir:moi.filesystem.getProcessDir;
	var path = dir()+document.URL.split(/moi:\/\/appdata\/(.*\/).*/g)[1].replace(/\//g,"\\")+"macros\\";

Maybe this is assuming that it's using a moi://appdata address for this dialog.

Try editing to something like this:

	//var dir = (moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir)?moi.filesystem.getAppDataDir:moi.filesystem.getProcessDir;
	//var path = dir()+document.URL.split(/moi:\/\/appdata\/(.*\/).*/g)[1].replace(/\//g,"\\")+"macros\\";
	var path = 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\MoI 3.0\\ui\\nodeeditor\\macros\\';

I have not tested it but that might get it working with v3.

- Michael