Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1489 In reply to 7777.1488 

Welcome aboard! You are, I assume the same Klaudio I chatted to on instagram?

>> There is a problem i have and i can't solve it no matter what i do. I can't use Macro at all.

Have you tried replacing the nodeeditor folder in "C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Moi"
with one found here:

>> Does the latest version on node editor support moi3d v3 or is it for v4 only

It should work for both, but V4, although technically still in beta stage, is rock solid; so there is no reason not to be using it. I'm on a mac so perhaps its a windows issue.

>> Please keep it up to date whenever you can......

Thank you for your appreciation of "Current NODE EDITOR folder" thread. I wonder if I might ask though if you could delete your post: and keep correspondence in this thread, so that the other thread remains a single post of most current file directory.

I hope this helps you get up & running. I look forward to seeing what you get up to.
