Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1455 In reply to 7777.1454 

>> Might as well add circle and ellipse?.....
Integration for closed curves centroids is still a dream:-) <<

Centroid for these shapes can be can be found by using subD/convertCurveToPoly node
before centroid node. Obviously the higher the "Div Profile" the more accurate.
For circles, any even number (except 0) input to "Div Profile" will give true centre.

For now I think your work is done here. I'd just remove centroidPt output socket.

I'm not saying it is not worth spending any more time on it, just that it good enough for now.
If you are keen to keep coding, in term of outcomes it would be better to investigate other possible nodes.
To this end, I have a suggestion, if you are interested: FATLINES.

A Fatlines node analogous to Max's scripts of the same name would be a real boon IMHO to NE.
Think islamic patterns, for example. Anyway its just a thought.


EDITED: 9 Apr 2019 by JFH
