Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.145 In reply to 7777.144 
Hello Al,

Please send examples of the problems.

>>>>Is it too much meat on the fire .......??? At the moment yes! Nevertheless I will have a look. The Extract and Fillet stuff isn't easy to handle, because the API isn't made for that. Some of my nodes have to be improved, regarding to the workflow. And thats the point we have to look to the pathArray and multiple profiles for sweep. To handle that, I have to have a deeper understanding of the node editors internals. That I don't have at the moment. I think Max avoids every comment and long names in the code for a better performance. The internals have a very elegant and tricky structure (for the little parts I understood), but for me It's sometimes hard to understand the rest of djungle of characters, braces and numbers:-) Anyway - some things are already possible;-) The rest will come.

Have a nice day

p.s.: Damn, we missed the elephant's birthday:-)