Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1441 In reply to 7777.1439 
Hi Brian,

>> centroid also applies to a closed planar polygon with a circular hole in it <<.

I think, for the sake of simplicity, we need only concern ourselves with planar, closed polygons.
We can disregard for now compound surfaces and even ellipses for that matter.

>> A faceted surface, (possibly 3D), would be broken down into Faces, inside or outside of the node, and each face tested to see if a centroid applies. <<.

Again for simplicity, we need only concern ourselves with faces i.e. "broken down ....outside of the node"

In this way node need only be limited to Michael's second case steps

>> You'd do something like look at .isClosed and .isPlanar and if both of those are true get the curve segments by crv.getSubObjects() then go through all segments testing .isLine on each one, <<

So we now know that all faces are indeed polygons, then

>> if all are lines go through them and add together all the segment start point coordinates and divide by the number of points to get the centroid. <<

>>I do not think that a node multiprocess sub function is required, (?), just sequential processing of the input objects, with For loops.<<.

If a for loop satisfies the requirement of determining the centroid of multiple faces, all the better.

Thanks for looking at this
Have a great weekend