Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1341 In reply to 7777.1339 
Loading a node assemblage with an obsolete node, and then saving the node assemblage from the nodeeditor canvas, may result in a node assemblage which will not work, even after the updated interface.js node has been added to the nodeeditor nodes directory.
The defective node (and assemblage) may look exactly like the good node. Re-upload the node assemblage from its original source.

Thank you James.
I had not updated the interface.js on Home computer.
I'd saved your cog node, from the nodeeditor canvas, making my copy defective.
Updated interface.js.
Defective node still would not work.
Downloaded your cog node AGAIN, from your forum post.
Now the cog node works fine.

- Brian