Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1336 In reply to 7777.1334 
By the way - It was the most difficult node in the extensions I made from scratch. You have to differentiate between open and closed curves, evaluate a tangent to the start points (no API function in V3), adjust a orientation of a frame with it. All points/frames on the curve are depending on the mode - orientated to the curve (used arraycruve). It takes not only a single value for the div - you can also put a numarray with monotonic increasing values to the input - so you get different distances for the points on the curve. Here I had to use the strategy to place them from both sides for performance issues. PLEASE - don't find a bug:-|

p.s.: If you want to see the frames in an pointarray, you can use showFrame. Also useful to understand the working of the Euler-angles.

EDITED: 19 Jan 2019 by KMRQUS
