Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  bemfarmer
7777.1328 In reply to 7777.1327 
James has already done 2 versions of Hex Grids macros, which I still do not fully understand.
After a lot of study, here is my version, HexFlatGridAlpha01.nod, which contains the HexFlatGridMacroAlpha01.
The mini Hex nod may be saved in your nod library, and the Macro may be Exported to the nodeeditor macro folder.
I still need to write up my documentation. It was hard to wire up the "math formulas," and the macro is a bit of a wiring "birdnest."
Separate MathPts arrays for the non-indented and indented columns, as the array node did not seem to be amenable to doing them together.
The behavior of the U range, prevented the display of only one column, as maxRange for a single column incremented itself.
Still need to Extract X and Y values.

It took awhile to realize that the unum and vnum are total copies, not incremental values.

After creation, the grid may be MoI Mirrored to the pointy vertices up orientation, with rows and columns swapped.

Perhaps some alteration to the behavior, in nodeeditor, of the Esc button could be done. When 2 or more nodeeditor windows are open,
pressing Esc deletes the currently selected window, and the work done is gone. If only one window is open, (or focus is on the initial window?),
after Esc is pressed, the window reappears by reloading with nodeeditor hotkey, but other windows are gone.
(A habit of pressing Esc button at times, erased some windows, but only a little bit of work was lost...)

(After upgrading office computer from w7 to windows 10, Quickbooks 2018 refused to open, until uninstalled and reinstalled. (MoI 4 beta worked fine.)
Also, for MS Office 2016, (and also Office 365 monthly fee version), the Excel, Word, Publisher, Access, and PowerPoint programs refused to open any files,
and crashed. After some talented Microsoft techs from the Philippines spent 2 or 3 hours+ remote controlling the computer, the problem is
not resolved. Next week is "Level 3" :-) ) [Everything worked fine on home computer.]
>>>Update, took office computer home to fast internet, reinstalled Windows10, and everything works.
Do not install/upgrade to W10 on a slow telephone line internet.

- Brian

All node programs should have a Title box on the node aid memory of which nodes were just open... (Using an extra Output box works OK)

EDITED: 30 Dec 2018 by BEMFARMER