Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.1322 In reply to 7777.1321 
Hello Brian,

that's really good news! Every help is welcome and you are completely right - It's time for an update!

In the past, it was sometimes frustrating and demotivating to be exposed to certain criticism about filing locations, documentation and organization. This criticism is justified and everything could be better - but my time, skills and motivation is limited and I never promised anything. On the other hand, I had to ask myself the question: Who actually uses the thing? And is it even necessary to write a documentation if there are only 5 people who anyway have a better understanding of the possibilities than me? Nevertheless it makes me happy to read about your activities. Let's keep the elephant alive - only one line of code or documentation is better than any discussion about it.

Now I have to dig to my passwort for the wiki.

Some peaceful days to all