Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.124 In reply to 7777.122 
Hello Al,

thanks for the details. I had to change some internal things of the node to get it to run under that version. Sometimes I have to fight with some sideeffects and it is difficult to test all configurations, in which a node has to work. Some of the bugs took hours to understand them. Some nodes make problems again and again. Anyway ...
I redid the connections, and it works , but creates
the surface Brep source ( why ?)( picture-2) >>> Did you cloned the BrepNameSubObjects? If you do that, both will have the same basename for naming the sub elements. That can cause the problem. You can change it manually or create a new one for that. Moi's API isn't made for that stuff, so it is difficult to create that functionallity. Otherwise I saw also some unselectable ghost-objects while using the node editor - not selectable - like display artefacts - with other nodes. Is this actual problem repeatable?

I saw the new Offset node ....
I forgot to delete the offset node - it isn't finished - it works only in a first step. The flip for the side isn't stable. For test purposes you can show -with the frame output - the decission of the offsetfacory where the offset is placed. Ok - for a flip I have to calculate a frame on the other side of the input. But for a line the point is lying on the curve - typically you decide it with a pointer, but in the node editor isn't any interaction;-) These are the problems ...

Have a nice day