Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  James (JFH)
7777.1225 In reply to 7777.1224 
Hi Al et al,

That's very cool. I was impressed by door mechanism video on dezeen:
but even better to see it animated in NE. Great work.

Maybe you can help me with a problem.
I have been trying to get my head around voronoi tessellation.
(I recognise that this may be a redundant exercise if/when Max converts his script to a node)

I have started with a mesh of triangles*, applied planar, extracted edges,
getStframe, generate 3ptCircle and find centers with BoundingBox node.

Now it is a matter of drawing lines between centers.
This involves incrementally taking pointDist for each point with the rest
and drawing the shortest (extract Min - compare - split),
then repeating for new minimum distance (2nd shortest) & again for 3rd shortest.

I have not included the nod file because frankly it is not even close to working as I desire.
Perhaps this is beyond NE as is, but I thought you or someone else might have an idea of how to proceed.


*Ideally, what I want to do is input a field of points and apply a Delaunay triangulation as my starting point;
though if that was possible, the same code could probably achieve voronoi meshing as well.

EDITED: 27 Sep 2018 by JFH