Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
The Hot air Balloon It is one of those objects that has always been
fascinated me, years ago, I also realized
drawings and engravings that had this subject-
I was trying to create a pattern in a sphere , when
I understood that I had laid the foundation for building
anything but .... a Hot air Balloon ...
As you will see, in fact, opening the file the object is positioned upside down,
from below to above ...
Patience, I left it just to remember
in the future, this little quirk, and, on the other hand, I had
already brought the modeling forward enough, and rotate
everything would have been, in my opinion, a useless and pedantic work-
The resulting object is a true explosion of colors ....
hope that you will communicate enjoy and freedom ...
In any case, as I have already said, I can not
to publish directly in the Forum images and files ...
so, if any of you could do it for me
I would be grateful ...
for the benefit of all useres-
Welcome your comments
Files and images at this link:
Have a nice evenig to all