Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
7777.117 In reply to 7777.115 
Hello James, Hello Al,

@James: The problem is caused by the onAdded function in the Concat2 node. Reloading a nodefile with a Concat2 node, causes a setup of the output to the default type numarray. It seems that onAdded is responsible for creating new nodes and also for recreation from disk. If a wire exist in the nodefile, the nodeeditor seems not to check it again. But If you delete the wire a reconnection isn't possible for pointarray and Objectlists. I hope the workaround in the node will do the job.

@Al: Could you please post the problematic files with the Fillet node - Fillet is very experimental and I have to investigate where the problem is. I will have a look at it in the next week.

A nice weekend to all