Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  mkdm
7777.1096 In reply to 7777.1095 
Ciao James!

You're welcome. My words simply described the reality. Your work on NE is EXCELLENT!!
(and the experiments of the user "speedy - AL2000")

And about 2D workflow....yeah! I always wanted to find suitable and streamlined ways to use Moi for that kind of purposes, because I wanted to join together the power of Moi's Nurbs with the power of product like Affinity Designer.

Unfortunately, or fortunately :), recently I really have not time at all to put again my hands on keyboard to continue the development of specialized scripts for "2d workflows".
I have many ideas, so many, but not time to develop.

So, your contribution with your nodes is very precious.

Max did a PRICELESS JOB, a "monster" tool, a "milestone" for Moi. but unfortunately, IMHO, the unique real problem is that NE is still a "too fragmented" product, very powerful, but still young.

With the BIG problem of a "scattered" documentation and knowledge base.

And it seems that actually NE has also reached the limit that Moi can do, because Moi was not made to deal with these kind of use-case.
And this is particularly evident with all your latest nodes and also with the excellent nodes made by the user "speedy - AL2000".

Anyway...I really hope that Michael's will continue to improve the Mo's "2d tool set" in order to have an even better product to deal with "2d workflows"

Ciao and have a nice day!

- Marco (mkdm)