Nodebundle for playing with nodes

 From:  Michael Gibson
7777.1081 In reply to 7777.1079 
The Network factory has inputs like this:

0: Object list - U curves
1: Object list - V curves
2: List of curve orientation objects - U orientations
3: List of curve orientation objects - V orientations
4: String - Mode, One of "normal", "lighter", "custom", "uniform"
5: Number - Custom tolerance, Fitting tolerance to use when mode = "custom".
6: Int - Uniform Num Points - Number of interior points to use when mode = "uniform".

The way it works in the normal command is only the U curves are populated by the command script, and the orientation data is empty. Then when the it runs it sorts those into separate U and V lists and makes the orientation lists that records any flipping that was done so that when the factory is persisted into a history string and there is a history update late it won't attempt to resort them at that time.

If you can extract a sample of what's not working for you such that it is runnable outside of the node editor as just a regular command it would make it easier for me to track down what is going wrong there.

- Michael