The macro can be "Stored" in two different formats. The SAVEd verson is unfavorable in my opinion.
Regarding storing a macro for later re-use, the macro should be EXPORTed, rather than SAVEd, to the macro folder under nodeeditor
in [.../appdata/.../ (Windows)) or [/Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support [Mac)]
(Saving saves a sublevel of the macro, which seems to be unfavorable?)
To re-use a macro, a previously Exported copy should be Imported, or selected from the right-click drop-down window,
rather than loaded.
A SAVEd macro can be LOADed just fine, but if a SAVEd macro is selected from the drop down list, it comes in at a sublevel.
If an EXPORTed macro is LOADed, it appears in the nodeeditor screen in expanded form.
- Brian